by ibby
Dear Portland, Oregon residents and lovers, mark your calendars for the Portland Japanese Garden's final art exhibition of 2022 "The Garden of Resonance" featuring the work of internationally acclaimed artist Jun Kaneko. Kaneko, winner of the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Sculpture Center, has made major contributions to the field of sculptural art on a global scale, exploring the relationships between art, nature, and people with their bold scale and placement.
Starting on October 1st, Kaneko’s famously large and evocative outdoor ceramic statues will be installed across the Portland Japanese Garden, creating a stunning juxtaposition with the maple trees showing off their fiery fall flares. This will be in addition to more intimate pieces from the nearly 60 years of Kaneko’s celebrated career, including sketches and drawings.
While it is not the first time that Portland Japanese Garden has displayed large-scale art in its garden spaces, art "in situ” is still a rarity. Pieces on display were carefully selected by the team to accentuate the landscape, without overwhelming or competing with it. Juxtaposed alongside the ever-changing colors and textures of fall, creators, families, and shutterbugs alike will have an opportunity to capture a unique moment at Portland Japanese Garden.
Born in Nagoya, Japan, Kaneko first arrived in the United States in 1963 and studied ceramic art from the leaders of the American Clay Revolution, including icons such as Peter Voulkos, Paul Soldner, and Jerry Rothman. Kaneko, now an icon in his own right, is someone many might not know by name but may be familiar with via his vivid and dazzling public installations. Since his first large scale commission in Omaha in 1983, Kaneko’s work has charmed people in several American cities including Detroit, Kansas City, Laramie, Las Vegas, New York, Phoenix, and Washington, D.C. as well as locations around the world including Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, England, Greece, China, and Japan.