Japan Life Illustrations by Minaminani Take

Today was the first day back to school for students in Switzerland. It somehow reminds me of Japan because of how orderly, and structured was the students welcoming. I stumbled across the work of Minaminani Take who is an illustrator. based in Japan. She illustrates what I would call 'Life scenes', probably things that we would see across the world. But if you pay close attention to the details, you can tell it's Japan. Give it a look and make sure to check out the rest of her work on Behance.

  • For more on Minaminani Take, check her out on minatake.com

artwork Digital Art  ILLUSTRATION  photoshop

artwork Digital Art  ILLUSTRATION  photoshop

artwork Digital Art  ILLUSTRATION  photoshop

artwork Digital Art  ILLUSTRATION  photoshop

artwork Digital Art  ILLUSTRATION  photoshop

artwork Digital Art  ILLUSTRATION  photoshop

artwork Digital Art  ILLUSTRATION  photoshop

artwork Digital Art  ILLUSTRATION  photoshop

