by AoiroStudio
KOREA. It's pretty much taking over our lives lately with many incredible TV shows, music, language learning, and more. I think it's really great to make us get out of our comfort zones and just explore. With this mindset, I wanted to share a beautiful illustration series by Coen Pohl titled 'Night in Seoul' where he illustrates scenes from his past memories. They are very lovely, I just love how Coen takes the time to also describe the scenes through words. Make sure to give them a look!
These illustrations serve as memories, as well as an abstract way to show a small part of life in South Korea. Some scenes might be very mundane for Koreans, but unusual or interesting from my perspective as a foreigner.
Coen Pohl is a freelance graphic designer and illustrator based in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Make sure to check out more of his work at