Laying the Foundations - Book about design systems

Andrew Couldwell wrote a book about design systems called Laying the Foundations. The book is packed full of experience and practical advice for creating, documenting, and maintaining a design system. Including advice for how design and engineering teams can work better together, an introduction to what design system are, and how to get stakeholder buy-in at your company to work on a design system. The book is available in paperback and eBook.

P.S. This is our first attempt at print design, so go easy on us ;) - Andrew Couldwell

Learn more and buy the book at:

Design Systems book

Branding and design.

The book brand features a simple yellow, black, and white color scheme. Yellow because of its connections to the construction industry and building sites, which works well with the construction analogies used in the book; relating to building design systems and 'laying the foundations'. The shapes are a mixed bag of construction analogies; be it building blocks or the shapes of construction signs. And the monospace typeface is a contemporary play on the font used in construction signage.

A simple responsive website to promote and sell the book was also created.