SkyFill Animation

SkyFill is an internal project made by the amazing folks at Trinetix Creative Studio. Based in Ukraine, they’re living with the consequences of the nuclear plant disaster at Chernobyl. So ecological problems, pollution and consumption – things that’s always on their minds. Garbage is the main subject for their video: “we wanted to show how everyone is responsible for polluting the environment, how a daily neglect to the issue on individual level causes a ripple/bomb effect. Noticing what’s happening around is a new habit to be brought into masses.”  


Character Design



  • Production: Trinetix inc
  • Art Director: Mark Hanhalo, Ivan Seniuk
  • 2D Team: Sergiy Tsymbaliuk, Sergiy Tsarenko, Ivan Seniuk, Stas Volobuiev, Kira Cheremisinova, Sasha Simkovska
  • 3D Team: Dmytro Balbekov, Eugene Tytarenko, Mark Hanhalo, Maksim Golovin, Sergiy Shvets
  • Sound Design: Kostiantyn Pochtar
