Digital Watercolor Paintings of Tokyo Storefronts

Mateusz Urbanowicz is back with more of his Tokyo Storefonts, a series of illustrations that would imagine a creative and unique shops on the streets of Tokyo. We have featured his first series on hottopbest. a few years back, it's really great to see a comeback that would carry the same appealing, charming and detailed results. Each storefront shares its own story, from an optician's salon, typewriter, photo studio, and more. I don't know if you have ever been to Tokyo, but this series definitely reminds me of its streets and how memorable is that city and country.


Based on prompts from my fans on YouTube and my ideas, I created illustrations of storefronts that, if existed, would bring more color, character, and fun into the often dull, modern cityscapes. While designing these fantastic buildings, I was aiming for shops that are essentially realistic and could be brought into existence.